No-Interstitial-Delimiter Sequence Proposal ("FUSED!")

@BlackATTR feels that being able to write code as operation(arg) with no space is critical to the SQL dialect. While we haven't expressly prohibited that yet, it is lossy:

>> [operation(arg)]
== [operation (arg)]

I just noticed another case of tight syntax with a %rebol-dom.r script where @Danny is trying to write expressions like:

app[.width] = "curly quew"

Also still legal at the moment, but also still broken apart...and being two separate elements means it couldn't be quoted as a unit on the left (e.g. by an assignment-oriented equal):

>> app[.width] = "curly quew"
== [app [.width] = "curly quew"]

One of the reasons we'd discussed making these kinds of constructs illegal would be to free them for new meanings.

Given that people want more density, might we think of this as a new datatype... like a PATH! or a TUPLE!, that simply has no delimiter?

Let's Imagine we call it FUSED!

(Once this was proposed as PACK!, but now packs are something different... it was named out of the way as SCRUNCH! just to avoid confusion. But now I think it's best called FUSED!)

>> p: operation(arg)  ; 'operation(arg) if eval active, but likely should not be
== operation(arg)

>> type of p
== &[fused]

>> first p
== operation  ; a WORD!

>> second p
== (arg)  ; a GROUP! with one element

Plan -4 Issues

There's a bit of a problem in that we've been saying you could write (a)(b) and [a][b] and have it mean the same thing as (a) (b) and [a] [b]. I use this frequently, because I do not like the spacing gap you get when braces follow each other.

f: func [
    some-arg [integer!]
] [
    the gap there bothers me

f: func [
    some-arg [integer!]
    without the gap looks better

That would suggest the rules for fusing would disallow adjacent GROUP!s and BLOCK!s, which would rule out interesting fuseds that might represent multidimensional array access:

>> [foo[x][y]]
== [foo[x] [y]]  ; would have to be a fused and a block?

Ladislav was always rather adamant that spaces should be everywhere because spaces had significance. So he wasn't in favor of the aesthetic gap-closing. If FUSED! turned out to be truly useful, then it might vindicate his belief. I dunno.

How Would It Reconcile Priority With TUPLE! and PATH! ?

The interstitial delimiters prioritize by "heft" (/ is on top of : is on top of .) And you can't get much less hefty than nothing. So fuseds would be on the bottom of the totem pole.

a.b/c.d[e f] => to path! compose/deep [a.b c.(to fused! [d [e f]])]
a.b[c d]e/f => to path! compose/deep [a.(to fused! [b [c d] e]) f]

Not that these examples are very useful, but I believe that's what they should be.

There'd Be Some Issues With Numbers

If numbers are allowed, you are going to run into trouble with things like how 1e... leads into exponential notation, and the fact that you get problematic reversals with 1a and a1. The first seems like a candidate for being a FUSED!, while the second is what we'd see as a normal WORD!

No Fusing With BLANK!-Terminated Paths or Tuples

You couldn't merge a/ and [b] to get a FUSED!, because a/[b] is a PATH!. (This is a natural consequence/feature and not a flaw.)

Also, while # is a legal "empty issue", it's also a modifier. So the #[a] probably shouldn't be a FUSED!. Unless there's some way that would fit into a broader master plan, by virtue of what that fused would mean... e.g. if # = first fused would mean something was typically a datatype... :thinking:

Anyway, a lot to think about. But if people are dug in and insistent that they have to have these notations, then we should give consideration to the idea.


I appreciate the consideration here. I also have no idea if a FUSED! might be useful outside of a specific kind of dialect. Which I suppose isn't a very strong vote in favor.

It would be a slight boost to supporting an SQL syntax (or spreadsheet macro). My main challenge is not parsing the pattern (be it FUSED! or just word! + group!), but recursively unraveling the nested construct to translate into ren-c text! manipulating expressions.

I have a low-key need to be able to express FUSED!-like structures as though they're blocks:

foo(bar, baz("bip"))
foo(bar, baz("bim", "bap"))

My CSS brain does appreciate the possibilities here—it could be a way to express small dialected values:

red: rgb(255 0 0)
move: translate(-1x1)

Or indeed SQL, or Javascript, or other things.

My Rebol brain says, this is un-Rebol-like! I certainly don't think it should become an operative Rebol language construct.

I'd be more inclined to recognizing thing( ... ) as a distinct container type recognizing the pattern across other data formats/languages. It could be inert in and of itself thus really only useful in dialects. Forgoing Plan -4 by packing certain combinations of types may tie hands with new forms in the future.


I do not see any particular reason why thing(...) would be more or less legitimate to want than thing[...]

And I think that if people had syntax open to thing(...)(...) and thing[...][...] they would find uses for those too.

Note the API would be the same thing as PATH! and TUPLE!: where since you have constraints on what you can form this way, and they "change types" when things are removed, they are immutable while in the fused form.

So things like this need to be illegal:

>> p: a(b)
== a(b)

>> take p
== (b)  ; looks like a GROUP!

>> take p
==  ; back to those same flaky vanishing issues

It seems to me in line with Rebolism to say these are all different:

(a)(b c)(c)
(a) (b c) (d)

a + bc + d

a(b c)d
a (b c) d

a[b c](d)
a [b c] (d)

Being able to write:

>> num: 10

>> size: compose (num)px
== 10px

...seems like a gateway to some fairly powerful things expression-wise, and I think this leads pretty quickly to wanting to do things like:

>> [num units]: parse size [pack [integer! ['px | 'em]]]
== 10

>> num
== 10

>> units
== px

But the point is that if we can lean on a general mechanic--especially one that's mostly already written--this might be a breakthrough worth a bit of shakeup... like having to put spaces between your blocks ordinarily.


I'd say primarily based on its history in functional notation.

I'm not much in favour of this proposal, but you got me with 10px or 11USD or 5.05EUR .
This could be really nice in a lot of dialects.


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I still had a little bit of crack laying around from the other night, and after smoking a little of it, I started wondering...

What if WORD!s did not allow numbers?

And instead, we allowed you to make CHAINs with FUSEDs.


A fused with just WORD!s and INTEGER!s in it could be deemed legal for binding. Bearing in mind also that if you have variations of a function, you could do that with some-function:1 and some-function:2 dispatching to the same function but offering it the chain for processing.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Backtick Literals (and an Axis of Extensibility?)

Those are pretty good examples of why FUSED! should almost always be evaluator-inert.

So I guess we can assume things like array[n] would do nothing, and only mean "pick out of array" in some dialected application.

With backtick literals, 1x1 would be FUSED!, and `1x1` could be a PAIR!. But in dialected contexts you could transform between them.

Although hmm... if you want a function to be called convert-to-utf8 and that was a FUSED! naming it, it would have to be evaluator active. :frowning: So I guess the usual exemption for languages, where if the run is all words and integers, and starts with a word, it's active...otherwise 1x1 and 1em would be evaluator active.

A post was split to a new topic: Dimensional Analysis with FUSED!