Danny, dRebol, Inetw3 (Daniel Murrill)

Hello Hostilefork,

I've been following Rebol since 1993-94, over 20 years, as dRebol,Inetw3, and I am still amazed. I may not be a good programmer but I do dream in Rebol.

I posted the %Rebol-dom.r script to rebol-org and it has some vague similarities to your TLS EMIT dialect. Especially the VAR LET variables that bind to functions. I've saw discussions on SO about it. I check it 2-3 times every day.

I thought I was crazy using a var function to turn set-word!s into a named variable functions bound to data. I don't know how to optimize the code but it must look like, say, javascript or lua as much as possible for my next two DSL's.

I think you given me hope to keep trying. Every new chosen path starts with a Pandora's Box.


Welcome Danny,

(pardon my changes to your post; I moved it to "introductions" and did a little bit of formatting...if you want to know how to do things like bold and italics, or put links in posts...see the Markdown Documention)

Bendability is the name of the game in Ren-C. Have you seen SET-WORD!s on the left hand side?

 default: enfixed func [  ; enfixed means "get first argument from left"
     'left [set-word!]
     right [block!]
     either undefined? left [set left do right] [get left]

 >> abcd: default [print "running", <first>]
 == <first>

 >> abcd

 >> abcd: default [print "won't run", <second>]
 == <first>

Crazy? :crazy_face: :fox_face:

I think you given me hope to keep trying. Every new chosen path starts with a Pandora's Box.

Have you seen the 2019 Talks?

Right now our primary target is the web. A DOM-based dialect that could run in the browser could be a good test...even if it wasn't necessarily "useful". (I don't know if your dialect is useful or not, I'm just saying it doesn't even really matter as long as it stretches and tests features...so there's no reason to worry either way.)

We might be able to get your DOM dialect running in "REDBOL" emulation on the web (Rebol2/Redlike), and then perhaps convert it to Ren-C. Do you have tests for it?

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