...but TUPLE!s (like obj.field) don't run functions anymore! Only PATH!s (and WORD!s) do!
This means we can raise definitional errors when a tuple-based pick fails (on the last pick step, we don't want to conflate failures on the last pick with earlier missing steps).
PATH!-based picks abrupt fail when the thing you're picking isn't an action, and any TRY is connected to the result of the function you're calling. But it's fine that's different.
Sounds pretty promising! It does make me wonder about what I said regarding the question of if MAYBE should turn definitional errors to NULL. If it doesn't, you'd have to write maybe try a lot...being able to just write maybe when you wanted a void would be better.
Offhand I can't think of any places where you'd be saying MAYBE and not be willing to sweep a definitional error under the rug just as much as you would a null soft failure. I guess I'd have to try it and see if that conflation caused any accidents.
Quick change to add the error and the system boots after minor modification!
I'll keep you posted...