Historical Redbol PARSE had some cognitive dissonance over its "looping constructs".
One weird point was that WHILE was an arity-1 construct...a peculiar variant of a "looping ANY" which dropped the requirement of a need to make progress.
Just as ANY could be improved by making it do something more "obvious", I think the obvious solution for WHILE is also the better one:
So now, default PARSE has WHILE and it's arity-2 !
These two things are synonyms:
while rule1 rule2 <=> opt some [rule1 rule2]
One very common application is WHILE [NOT <END>] [...]
This is such a clear case it's bizarre that no one seemed to go to bat for it before.
It would make it cleaner to pair up code in a GROUP! with a rule:
GROUP! rules always run their side effect and succeed. So:
opt some [rule (code to run on each match)]
Could instead be written as:
while rule (code to run on each match)
I would use this frequently!
It helps pscyhologically divide a process into two parts: trigger and response
You can of course write things as:
opt some [
thing1 thing2 [
thing3 thing4
| thing5 thing6
opt some [thing1 thing2 [
thing3 thing4
thing5 thing6
But I think the WHILE structuring into a control half and response half helps you see this better:
while [thing1 thing2] [
thing3 thing4
thing5 thing6