SWITCH and soft-quoted branches

A change that made sense to me for SWITCH was that it should evaluate its switched-upon clauses.

This means that you get the power of the evaluator, hence things like ELIDE and DEFAULT can work. You can switch on things that are in variables:

var: 10

switch data [
   9 [print "Ordinary cases work]

   elide print "You can print here if it wasn't a 9"

   var + 1 [
       print "Able to use calculations...so switch on 11 here"

   default [
       print "DEFAULT works in concert with fallout due to evaluation"

But... one feature that does not work under this scheme as written is soft-quoted branching.

>> switch 1 [ 1 '[1 2 3] 2 '[4 5 6]]
== 1

This faces a kind of fundamental barrier, that QUOTED! is the only way to get your switch cases to suppress evaluation:

data: [#x b <y>]

switch second data [
     'a [print "a"]
     'b [print "b"]

We might consider making a construct that operates more like CASE and goes in value/branch pairs (CHOOSE?)

 choose 2 [
    1 ["a"]
    2 '<b>

That would have some odd properties, in line with some of CASE's historical peculiarities:

>> choose lit 'b [
    'a 'b
    'b 'c
== c

CHOOSE wouldn't have that flexibility of falling through on multiple branches, but it could use the GROUP! mode of soft quote escaping to reuse a branch:

>> branch: [print "reusable"]
== [print "reusable"]

>> choose 2 [
    1 + 1 (branch)
    2 + 2 (branch)

And it would work with DEFAULT and ELIDE, etc.

I really am pretty attached now to how evaluative switch works. The unfortunate cost of that is that it doesn't fit into the soft-quoted branch model. :-/ I think that's just life--you can look at it and realize why it has to do what it does, it recognizes BLOCK!s only as branches.

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Still looks like a big net-gain to me.

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