Glad to hear there's a move to the environment/inheritance idea. Suggests moving in a direction of greater restraint with binding is a recognized least somewhere else.
Stopping to briefly look over the language further now, I don't really see much Rebol in it. Can't find any dialects, e.g. no PARSE equivalent. No COMPOSE?
It's piping-focused, in a way I can hardly read (English-like readability is supposed to be a goal in Rebol, that's clearly not a goal in Rye). The idea of piping things seems better addressed to me by a construct like:
>> flow [
[1 2 3]
reverse _
map-each x _ [x * 10]
== [30 20 10]
(Choice of _
here is arbitrary and something you should be able to override.)
It could be useful. In fact, I went ahead and did a little implementation of it.
But...I think people who find data piping is their true quest in programming would go for paradigms that are more mature at that.