I have a proof-of-concept up now, for integrating the archived scripts into the new site.
Try switching the version (in the top-left corner where it says "Archived") and you can see how the Documentation section is able to seamlessly switch between the two different looks, and also have two different types of content.
So this is working pretty nicely, but I have run into a lot of questions (and potential issues) too ...
Do you like the retro look?
I am having a hard-time deciding if it is really, really bad or really, really good
It's sort of a mashup of @rgchris site and Rebol Desktop. However, I think I took it too literally and got stuck in the 90's. Then again, maybe the retro feel is tugging at your heart strings. Turn on some Cobain and then let me know what you think!
Should the script use different Prettify highlighting?
I think it's clashing a bit with the rest of the archived page. Using the colors @rgchris used on his site would look better (assuming we want to keep the page's color scheme, or some variation of it). But then again, I wasn't sure if we wanted to keep all code examples looking the same on the site (regardless of if it was archived or not). Any opinions on this?
Do we have the rights to use the old Rebol logo and/or Rebol Desktop icons?
I'm guessing we don't, but I thought I would ask. If we don't, then what other logo would we use?
Do we need to keep all old links?
I got the following links redirecting properly ...
- View Script - http://reboldocs.brianotto.com/view-script.r?script=form-date.r
- View Documentation - http://reboldocs.brianotto.com/documentation.r?script=form-date.r
- Download Script - http://reboldocs.brianotto.com/download-a-script.r?script-name=form-date.r
However, I noticed there are a lot more links in the old Script Library. For example ...
- History - http://www.rebol.org/script-history.r?script-name=form-date.r
- License - http://www.rebol.org/license-help.r?script-name=form-date.r
- Download Doc as HTML - http://www.rebol.org/doc-download.r?script-name=form-date.r&format=html
- Download Doc as Editable Plain - http://www.rebol.org/doc-download.r?script-name=form-date.r&format=plain
- Other Scripts by Author - http://www.rebol.org/cpt-list-scripts.r?user-name=chrisrg
Do they all need to keep working? I think some of these are going to be challenging, if not impossible, to get working on a static Github site.
What about the links on the rest of the http://www.rebol.org site (i.e. AltME, Mail List, Articles, Search, etc)? If we take over the domain one day, are all these links expected to keep working? This would be possible if we had control over the web server, but it is not possible on Github... which leads me to my next question.
Are you okay with JavaScript redirects?
A static Github site can not use HTTP redirects, i.e. it cannot send back a 301, 302 or 303 header to the client. I had to get those redirects working by using a "meta refresh" tag, which means all redirects are sending back a 200 OK. It works, but it's not really the way they should be done. Also, on top of that, these old links have parameters that identify the script to load up (e.g. ?script=form-date.r), and the only way to parse that on a static site is by using JavaScript.
The page loads, I use JavaScript to grab the name of the script, and then using JavaScript again, I write the "meta refresh" tag to the HTML, and this tells the browser to send me to the correct /docs/archived/scripts/ page. So this solution will work, but only with a browser, because it has the ability to run JavaScript. If a HTTP cURL client or Rebol script was loading the page, it would not get redirected properly.