Though Ingo didn't mention it here, on the commit itself he said:
I have to take your word about this simplifying and speeding up the evaluator.
I can't currently comment on the code quality, but I trust you there.
I obviously haven't tried this, yet, but I seem to have come to like the idea, so go for it.
You still can name the refinement variables if you like. The times when it makes the most sense to do so is when your refinement has an active name, which due to the shortage of short non-noun names available in Rebol, you usually want to recover those from LIB. The previous model didn't do you used up two names.
For instance, in these patches to @rgchris's curl.reb, the /AS refinement is changed to /AGENT. I don't know if the right decision would be to call the refinement /AGENT (probably is), but I wanted to show the issue of when you want to get AS the operator back how you have to do it today...which you would have had to do using such a refinement name. I think there should be something in the spec dialect which does this shuffle for you...which probably means capturing the meaning of AS however it was when the function was defined (e.g. COMPOSE-ing it into the body) vs. blindly getting it from lib.
That's all open to suggestions, but this change is in, and the Redbol layer emulates the old interface. Let me know of any questions/comments/concerns.
(Note: While I may make it "look easy" to do these kinds of changes to the system, they are -a lot- of work. But the impressive thing is the resilience of the asserts and debug mechanics that allow the changes. It's not the kind of thing R3-Alpha/Red would be prepared to do. Which indicates just how much more potential the Ren-C codebase has in it.)