By design, nulls are handled noisily--right at the moment of fetching the word!--in UPARSE (and PARSE3):
>> prefix: null, suffix: ")"
>> parse "aaa)" [prefix, some "a", suffix]
** Error: (prefix is null, and we raise errors for that in parse)
If we didn't raise an error it seems there are only two other options:
always succeed, keeping the parse position where it is (synonym for[]
) -
always be an unsuccessful combinator match, but not cause a failure (synonym forBYPASS
I think (1) feels like a pretty obvious bad idea, because null is supposed to represent a soft failure. This is the behavior for void, e.g. parse "ab" ["a" void "b"]
would work.
I'm not too pleased with the idea of (2), and prefer the error as the default.
...that said... it seems there should be some operators or combinators that let you get the other behaviors.
What About a "MAYBE" Combinator To Use With Null?
In standard code, the policy of "void-in-null-out" has worked well, with MAYBE transforming soft-failure nulls to voids:
; non-PARSE handling of NULL via MAYBE
>> append [a b c] null
** Error: cannot append ~null~ isotope to a block
>> append [a b c] maybe null
== [a b c]
>> block: null
>> append maybe block [d e]
== ~null~ ; anti
So if we imagine applying this to the parse example, it would presumably do this:
>> prefix: null, suffix: ")"
>> parse "aaa)" [maybe prefix, some "a", maybe suffix]
== ")"
For the above parse to succeed, the combinator made by maybe prefix would have to succeed and not advance the input.
But It Doesn't Combine Well In Larger Rules
What if what you intended was "if there's a prefix, match some non-zero number of instances, but if prefix is null then don't worry about matching":
You might try doing that by COMPOSE'ing your rules. But UPARSE actually lets us write that out literally using GET-GROUP! rule synthesis:
>> parse "aaa)))" [:(if prefix '[some prefix]), some "a", :(if suffix '[some suffix])]
== ")"
But what if we tried to do that with MAYBE...could it work?
>> parse "aaa)))" [some maybe prefix, some "a", some maybe suffix]
; infinite loop!
No dice. We've said maybe prefix just succeeds and doesn't advance the input when prefix was null. But if you combine that with some
the null case will just match nothing in perpetuity, causing an infinite loop.
This may look familiar, because if you write some opt [...anything...] you'll always get an infinite loop. But in that case it's just wrong thinking: you know that the repetitive nature of some
looking for an eventual non-match meant you must have intended some [...anything...] (at least one) or opt some [...anything...] (zero or more).
Rebol2 treats NONE! as a no-op which just succeeds but doesn't advance the input. So the following gives you an infinite loop:
rebol2>> prefix: none suffix: ")" rebol2>> parse "aaa)))" [some prefix some "a" some suffix] ; infinite loop
The hackish "must make progress" rules in R3-Alpha actually make the above "work as intended", because the SOME will bail out after one non-advancing match. I don't consider that a "good" answer--more a random effect.
Another Problem: MAYBE is a very similar word to OPTIONAL
Imagine looking at this code:
>> prefix: "(", suffix: ")"
>> parse "aaa)" [maybe prefix, some "a", maybe suffix]
== ~null~ ; anti
"But wait"... I can imagine someone saying... "shouldn't MAYBE mean that if it's not there, you skip the rule"?
No... MAYBE is speaking about the optionality (nullability) of the rule itself, not the optionality of the (non-null) rule succeeding. That's a fairly fine point of distinction that might not be obvious to people.
So perhaps it should go by another name in parsing. There's the shorthand of ?, and that could be learnable as "this rule may be NULL, and if so then just ignore it and keep going".
An extra barrier to creating MAYBE is mechanical
It's a bit of a trick, because what happens when you "combinate" a ~null~ is that it has to abruptly fail. Because if it returned a definitional error, that would just seem like a combinator that didn't match to all the other constructs, and they wouldn't promote it to hard failure. They'd just treat it like anything else that didn't match.
So the only way I can see a null-disabling MAYBE parse combinator working would be by quoting its argument, doing the rule fetch itself, and turning into a failing combinator if it fetched null. This breaks the model somewhat.
Anyway, we've lived without the MAYBE combinator, and there are workarounds (as I mention, conditional code inside a splicing GROUP! construct). Perhaps it isn't necessary. But wanted to write it up.