Referenced in the explanation of "What Dialects Need From Binding"
This code uses hypothetical mechanisms for a new approach to pure virtual binding that are not yet implemented at time of writing.
Let's imagine you have the idea of a dialect which validates the number of some characters in a string. You give it a list of strings and you match using "keywords" ONE or TWO for the character at hand. You can also run code in groups if you want:
>> dialect ["aaaa" "bbbb"] [
[#a [one two one (print "rule one match")]]
[#b [two one one (print "passed 2 1 1") one (print "rule two match")]]
rule one match
passed 2 1 1
Now imagine a callsite that wants to use this dialect. Let's say it has its own definition for what TWO means just incidentally defined. But it knows the dialect's meaning should override that. However let's say it also has some MESSAGE, that it doesn't want the dialect to override.
Let's also throw in COLLECT for good measure:
let two: lambda [body] [repeat 2 body] ; some incidental definition
let message: "passed 2 1 1" ; intended to be seen by the dialect
let results: collect [
dialect ["aaaa" "bbbb"] [
[#a [one two one (keep <finished a>)]]
[#b [two one one (print message) one (keep <finished b>)]]
The caller and DIALECT have a common understanding: that ONE and TWO are things that the dialect provides. But it's the dialect's responsibility to sort that out. Even though the tip of the block it receives has a definition for TWO, it shouldn't be influenced by that...because all the ONE and TWO are unbound inside that block.
Now say the plan of attack that the author has is to build upon the PARSE dialect to implement what they're doing. It seems plausible they should be able to do the following:
dialect: func [strings [block!] lines [block!]] [
for-each line lines [
line: in lines line
let char: line.1
let rule: in line line.2
let string: strings.1
do compose/deep [
let one: (char)
let two: [repeat 2 (char)]
parse (string) [comment "your code here" (unuse [one two] rule)]
strings: next strings
In more detail:
Propagating with IN LINES and IN LINE means that RULE gets the binding of the original LINES block, which is the aggregated chain of bindings (from LIB for things like PRINT, for the LETs, for KEEP). But it also has that definition of TWO.
We want RULE to come out of this as a BLOCK!, not boxed into a function, as PARSE intends to enumerate it.. as well as to be able to DO GROUP!s inside it.
We don't want to have to make a copy of that aggregated binding (e.g. an entire copy of LIB to remove any ONE and TWO, and a copy of all the other contexts to remove ONE and TWO). Beyond inefficiency, we don't want to explode the number of binding environment identities. Instead, we need an additive means to say "I want everything but ONE and TWO from this binding environment". Sort of a "persistent-vector" approach.
This is what I call a hole-punching instruction... that becomes the new specifier for the embedded rule, pointing at the specifier of rule as a parent. Later on during the DO of the composed code... when PARSE descends into the block and uses IN, that's where the hole-punched binding is "coalesced" with available definitions of ONE and TWO from PARSE's "current environment" (which it propagated off second parameter it received).
There are many other ways to accomplish this intent--and this particular example does suck (it inadvertently exposes all the features of PARSE even if it didn't want to...among other criticisms). But I maintain this implementation strategy is analogous to real situations that come up, vs. some imagined thing.