Just being out of the box - perhaps the "-" is the "wart"?
frame: context of 'n
head: head of s
I admit that the "of" looks superfluous in the second example compared with prior experience, but not if one wants "head" as a variable.
Arrows for me are very dramatic aesthetically implying action. This clearly has a set like appearance:
word <- 10
but I find this on first appearance to be confusing:
-> word
though over time one could come to accept it as a dereferencing operator.
Perhaps the problem with it will be when it is used as part of a larger expression:
multiply 3 -> word
but again maybe it is not an issue once familiarity is gained.
My example of:
head: head of s
is also meant to point to the dual meanings of the word "head", each meaning valid for different contextual notions. Mixing the same symbols from different contextual notions in the same expression is not something that has been craked in Rebol yet, imo. I'm still hanging out for the "relative expression" promis to be fulfilled