Soft Quoted Branching: Light, Elegant, Fast

Possible Snag For Soft-Quoted Branching?

That snag is the growing need for WRAP.

Previously it wasn't too common you wanted to pass an evaluated branch into a function. Now it might be common.

if some-condition [
    let x: ...
    let y: ...


if some-condition wrap [
    x: ...
    y: ...

Soft-quoted branching requires you to put that WRAP in a group.

if blah blah blah (wrap [
    x: ...
    y: ...

Not the end of the world. But all things being equal, I'd prefer:

if (blah blah blah) wrap [
    x: ...
    y: ...

This isn't the first challenge to soft-quoted branching, but it's the strongest one yet.

I'm not fully ready to throw it out the window, and I've outlined points of why they're important in this thread. But this is definitely giving me second hedging now. :thinking:

Without soft-quoted branching, the branches could still accept quoted items, they'd just have to be doubly quoted to survive the eval... or use something like JUST or THE

>> if okay ''x
== x

>> if okay just 'x
== x

But if okay ['x] is better looking than either of those, albeit slower. (JUST is an intrinsic).