"ISSUECHAR!" (=> TOKEN!) is Hitting It Out of the Park

So I never renamed this type to TOKEN! because I've been a chicken. :chicken:

Part of what makes me hesitant is the idea of people working on codebases where they are considering WORD! to be a token in their dialect, and so they would say token: 'foo.

Calling it UTF-8! might seem good, but all strings are in the category ANY-UTF8? (Should that be "ANY-UTF-8?", with the hyphen?)

And ANY-UTF8? as a category does not imply immutability. But these are immutable.


The term "RUNE" is getting some traction for meaning "codepoint" in Go and C# (excluding some illegal ranges like surrogate pairs).

We Could Call It hashtag!... But...

When we say:

>> second "abc"
== #b

Do we really want to say that "single-codepoint hashtags are our currency for characters"? :pouting_cat:

I don't think so.

Maybe Just Go With My Gut... Like With "Keyword"

TOKEN! is what has been on my mind since the beginning of the unification of ISSUE!+CHAR!, and it hasn't gone away.

What we name our fundamental types isn't the end-all-be-all of how a word needs to be used.

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