Boron Language

If it's something you make for yourself, to please your mood and senses, there are no wrong answers.

But I think that when new people come to a language they want to know "what can it do?" And if a Redbol language falls down on simple compositions, I don't know it's a good comeback to argue that's okay because it's "small" and "fast"...when many smaller and/or faster languages abound.

To me the allure would be things like "you can make your own looping constructs". And so that means needing an answer to that kind of problem:

ren-c/tests/loops/examples/for-both.loops.test.reb at master · metaeducation/ren-c · GitHub

(Beyond what's demonstrated in that file, things like RETURN work e.g. having a per-function definition, so that they have the meaning intended vs. "RETURNing from a FOR-EACH" being in the body.)

And of course, being able to show that everything can come together to build powerful things in usermode is what I think tells a compelling story:

Introducing The Hackable Usermode PARSE ("UPARSE")
ren-c/src/mezz/uparse.r at master · metaeducation/ren-c · GitHub

If you think the point is something else, that's fine...though unfortunate, as it would be nice if your optimization time could be spent helping on things like UPARSE.