A Lot To UNPACK: (Replacing the SET of REDUCE BLOCK! Idiom)

We've fretted a lot about the result of REDUCE when an expression produces something that can't be put in a block. At first this was just NULL. But now it's all isotopic forms.

One reason to fret is the historical idiom of setting multiple values in a block. This was done with a SET of a REDUCE. Something along the lines of:

>> x: 3 + 4
== 7

>> set [a b] reduce [10 + 20 x]
== [30 7]

>> a
== 30

>> b
== 7

It's your choice to reduce the values or not. If you don't involve REDUCE then the mechanics would all work out. But once you get NULLs and isotopes, the reduced block can't store the values to convey them to the SET...

But What If A Single Operation Did Both...?

Let's imagine we have instead something called PACK that by default reduces to meta values... and that SET-BLOCK! is willing to "unpack" one at a time in UNMETA'd variables.

>> x: 3 + 4
== 7

>> [a b]: pack [10 + 20 x]
== 30

>> a
== 30

>> b
== 7

We can prototype the behavior by making PACK quote a SET-WORD! or SET-BLOCK! on its left, and combine that with the unpacking. PACK manages the evaluation one expression at a time, instead of using REDUCE. So as it goes it can set the variables to NULL or isotopes. And by following the multi-return convention of returning the first value, you avoid ever needing to synthesize a block aggregating all the results together.

>> [a b]: pack case [
       1 = 1 [
           print "This is pretty slick..."
           [select [a 10] 'b, 1 + 2]
    ] else [
        print "This won't run because the ELSE gets a BLOCK!"
        print "Which is what you want, because the ELSE should be"
        print "what runs if no CASE was matched and have the option"
        print "of providing the block to UNPACK"
 This is pretty slick...
 == ~null~  ; isotope

>> a
== ~null~  ; isotope

>> b
== 3

@[...] can Even Avoid A REDUCE

If you already have a block in reduced or literal form, how would you tell the PACK about that? It could be a refinement like PACK/ONLY. BUT...what if that were signaled with the @ block type?

>> [a b]: pack @[1 +]
== 1

>> a
== 1

>> b
== +

A real aspect of power in this approach is the ability to mix and match. For instance you could have some branches in a CASE which have already reduced data and others that don't, and they could all participate with the same PACK operation.

[op1 op2]: pack case [
    ... [
        print "This branch uses values as-is"
        @[+ -]
    ... [
       print "This branch needs evaluation"
       [operators.1, pick [- /] op-num]

Cool Dialecting Twists

The basic premise of multiple returns is that if you don't know about extra values, you don't worry about them... so by default packs with extra values need to just ignore them.

>> [a b]: pack [1 2 3]
== 1

>> a
== 1

>> b
== 2

But for some applications, it might be nice to be able to check that an unpacking is exact:

>> [a b <end>]: pack [1 2 3]
** Error: Too many values for vars in PACK (expected <end>)

Borrowing from multi-return: I think the idea of "circling" values to say which is the one you want the overall expression to evaluate to is a neat idea.

>> [a @b]: pack [1 2]
== 2

And For Show And Tell... A Prototype!

How hard is it to write such a thing, you ask? In Ren-C it's super easy, barely an inconvenience:

(Note: Prototype updated circa 2023...kept around as a test of usermode behavior. But now this is handled by SET-BLOCK! and PACK! isotopes.)

pack: enfixed func [
    {Prepare a BLOCK! of values for storing each in a SET-BLOCK!}
    return: [<opt> <void> any-value!]
    'vars [set-block! set-group!]
    block "Reduced if normal [block], but values used as-is if @[block]"
        [block! the-block!]
    if set-group? vars [vars: eval vars]

    ; Want to reduce the block ahead of time, because we don't want partial
    ; writes to the results (if one is written, all should be)
    ; (Hence need to do validation on the ... for unpacking and COMPOSE the
    ; vars list too, but this is a first step.)
    block: if the-block? block [
        map-each item block [quote item]  ; should REDUCE do this for @[...] ?
    else [
        reduce/predicate block :meta

    let result': void'
    for-each val' block [
        if result' = void' [
            result': either blank? vars.1 [void'] [val']
        if vars.1 = <end> [
            fail "Too many values for vars in PACK (expected <end>)"
        if tail? vars [
            continue  ; ignore all other values (but must reduce all)
        switch/type vars.1 [
            blank! []  ; no assignment
            word! tuple! [set vars.1 unmeta val']
            meta-word! meta-tuple! [set vars.1 val']
        vars: my next
    if vars.1 = <end> [
        if not last? vars [
            fail "<end> must appear only at the tail of PACK variable list"
    ] else [
        ; We do not error on too few values (such as `[a b c]: [1 2]`) but
        ; instead unset the remaining variables (e.g. `c` above).  There could
        ; be a refinement to choose whether to error on this case.
        for-each var vars [  ; if not enough values for variables, unset
            if not blank? var [unset var]
    return unmeta any [result' void']

If the ^ and UNMETA seem confusing, the only thing you need to think about is that the META protocol helps you out when you're trying to deal with a situation of storing a value that can be anything...and you need to differentiate a state. I'm making the result "meta" so that I can use plain unset to signal that it hasn't been assigned yet. I could make a separate boolean variable instead, but then I'd have another variable and I'd have to GET/ANY the result...

I'm sure people will start getting the hang of it! :slight_smile:


Very satisfying! I frequently slice and dice values to obtain the parts*, so this is a convenient method to create templates to separate the parts of a block you want to keep.

*E.g., taking a full filename and path (or url!) and split it into: path, filename, suffix; or a date! value and splitting into its component parts.

You can also skip out on values you aren't interested in:

>> [_ b]: pack [1 + 2 3 + 4]
== 7

>> b
== 7

I think this is going to replace SET of a BLOCK! entirely. But that means it's going to need to let you provide the block as a variable.

(block): pack [...]

And I think we need another function to handle the case of assigning the same value to all items.

>> [a b]: assign [<some> <block>]
== [<some> <block>]

>> a
== [<some> <block>]

>> b
== [<some> <block>]

(Note: this can't just be [a b]: [<some> <block>] because the multiple return convention creates contention with [a b]: function-returning-a-block)

Dropping these behaviors from SET will be great. Because it tries to put too much into a primitive function. There's too much behavior...like trying to act more like PACK when you set a block to a block, and trying to act like ASSIGN when you set a block to a non-block. But then it needs an /ONLY or /SINGLE refinement when you're trying to actually set each variable to the same block.

This makes SET harder to understand when it already has enough concerns.


Do 'a and 'b refer to the same block or are they copies?
I am interested in simple ways of creating and managing lists of synonyms, which is why I ask.

Historically SET would not do a COPY, and I wasn't thinking this would either.

We might try to find a syntax or refinement in ASSIGN for expressing that. But my feeling is that may be beyond the scope of this construct. You might need to just use a FOR-EACH, where it becomes more obvious what you are doing...

for-each var [a b] [set var copy [<some> <block>]]

A post was split to a new topic: Generalized Inertness with @

Thinking of concepts for the dialect, I imagined optionality:

>> [a b c]: pack [1 2]
** Error: Not enough values

>> [a b /c]: pack [1 2]
== 1

>> a
== 1

>> b
== 2

>> c
; null

Part of me likes it, but part of me wants to see the refinement style taken more for naming arguments (as in APPLY) and less about optionality. So we'd see /FOO and think "label"...in a way that FOO: can't do because it's too intimately tied up with assignment.

Just something to think about.

Also note that dialect-wise, right now quoting is taken for "variable already exists" when used with a LET.

let [a 'b c]: ...  ; concept is that `b` exists, reuse it, make new a and c

@ is circling, ^ is meta, (expr) is evaluate expression to get the variable to set.

But really I think a lot of attention should be paid on these things, because this is the selling point of the language; building things like this, easily.


Circa 2023 we now have a PACK! representation simply as isotopic blocks, with the "unpacking" done by the internal implementation of SET-BLOCK!

>> pack [1 + 2 10 + 20]
; first in pack of length 2
== 3

>> a: pack [1 + 2 10 + 20]
== 3

>> [b c]: pack [1 + 2 10 + 20]
== 3

>> b
== 3

>> c
== 30

It's much more freeform, and can be META'd and UNMETA'd into a quasiform...allowing you to put as much distance between the generation of the pack and the unpacking done by SET-WORD! or SET-BLOCK!

>> [b c]: (print "No tight coupling of PACK with SET-BLOCK!", pack [1 + 2 10 + 20])
== 3

>> c
== 30

>> meta pack [1 + 2 10 + 20]
== ~['3 '30]~

Hence the PACK! representation now underlies the entirety of multi-return mechanics. This allows wrapping and composability options for multi-return that were not possible with the early implementations.

Due to its generality you can do interesting things that don't involve making a multi-return function at all, such as having some branches of a CASE return packs while others don't: (The /B indicates optionality, and you're okay with no value in that slot to unpack.)

[a /b]: case [
    conditionA [1]
    conditionB [pack [2 3]]
    conditionC [4]

Neat though all of this is, questions are raised about which constructs must--by necessity--decay packs to their first value. So there are still dragons to be slain here.